2016-08-28 – Ullr's Tavern, Winter Park, CO

Set 1

Power to Love -> Enjoy the Ride, Pungee, Drip Drop, For Lovers, Whiskey [1], Tip of Your Tongue

Set 2

Fading Time [2] > Hey Pocky A-Way -> Not a Crime, Orbits, Blowin' Up the B Line [3] -> Astral Turtle Dance, I Wanna Love You (Just For One Night) > J.M.O. [4], Puppy In My Pocket

Setlist Notes

[1] "My Reflection" (Mulan) tease.
[2] "Power to Love" (Jimi Hendrix) tease.
[3] "Crazy on You" (Heart) teases.
[4] w/ start/stop jam and reprise jam.