2011-12-17 – Castle Jauntula, Allston, MA

Set 1

Blowin' Up the B Line, Bug [1] -> Whiskey, Portland [2], Space Monkeys, Astral Turtle Dance

Set 2

Race Car Ya Ya's [3] -> Avenu Malkenu [4] -> Fractal Fuck [5] -> Old Thompson [6], Have You Ever [7] -> My Freedom [8], Slow Down > Jaunt's on Fire -> Let the Drummer Take One

Setlist Notes

[1] Debut (Phish). Bluegrass arangement.
[2] Debut.
[3] Debut (Cake).
[4] Debut (Traditional)
[5] "Dog Gone Blues" quotes/jam.
[6] "One Too Many" lyrics.
[7] "Dog Gone Blues" quotes/jam.
[8] "Dog Gone Blues" quotes/jam.

Show Notes

The Jauntee's Regal Ball Presents: Jhantukkah